Monday, September 22, 2014

Pantai Sanur Bali Obyek Wisata Mancanegara Yang Indah nan Eksotis Bagi Wisatawan

Pantai Sanur Bali Obyek Wisata Mancanegara Yang Indah nan Eksotis Bagi Wisatawan

Portal Newer - Bali merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki banyak keeksotisan baik dari ragam budayanya ataupun pariwisatanya. Salah satu obyek menarik yang terdapat di Bali adalah pantai-pantai yang membentang di Pulau Bali.

Salah satu pantai yang terkenal di Bali adalah Panti Sanur. Pantai ini terletak di desa Sanur sebelah timur kota Denpasar. Dari airport Ngurah Rai Tuban, memakan waktu perjalanan sekitar 30 menit dengan jarak tempuh kuranglebih 10 KM.

Pantai Sanur Bali Obyek Wisata Mancanegara Yang Indah nan Eksotis Bagi Wisatawan

Anda tidak perlu khawatir bagaimana Anda dapat menuju pantai ini karena disana terdapat banyak penyewaan jasa angkut yaitu dengan mobil atau travel.

Pantai ini menawarkan sejuta keindahan baik dari pantai sanur sendiri maupun keajaiban alam disekitarnya. Pasir di pantai sanur berwarna putih bersih dengan laut yang landai dan dangkal sehingga sangat cocok untuk arena bermain dengan keluarga. Disekitar pantai juga terdapat banyak kapal tradisional berlabuh untuk memarkirkan perahunya karena dipantai ini penduduknya ada sebagian yang bekerja sebagai nelayan.

Jika Anda berminat untuk datang kepantai ini akan ada banyak kemudahan bagi Anda utnuk sampai di sini. Tidak akan rugi dengan pemandangan yang akan disuguhkan di sini. Ketika pagi dan sore hari banyak orang berkumpul untuk melihat sunrise dan sunset yang sangat indah. check this out.

Pantai Sanur Bali Obyek Wisata Mancanegara Yang Indah nan Eksotis Bagi Wisatawan

Pantai Sanur Bali Obyek Wisata Mancanegara Yang Indah nan Eksotis Bagi Wisatawan

Pantai Sanur Bali Obyek Wisata Mancanegara Yang Indah nan Eksotis Bagi Wisatawan

Pantai Sanur Bali Obyek Wisata Mancanegara Yang Indah nan Eksotis Bagi Wisatawan

Pantai Kukup Tepus Gunungkidul Kaya Biota Laut Pinggir Pantai

Pantai Kukup Tepus Gunungkidul Kaya Biota Laut Pinggir Pantai
Portal Newer - Cerita ini kami ambil dari Pantai Kukup yang merupakan pantai yang terletak di Desa Kemadang, Kecamatan Tanjungsari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Pantai ini terdapat di sebelah Pantai Kukup yang berjarak ± 3 KM. Pantai Kukup memiliki garis pantai yang cukup panjang sehingga memiliki pemandangan yang indah dan menarik.

Di Pantai Kukup terdapat makanan walaupun tidak selengkap penjual di pantai lain seperti Baron dan Krakal. Fasilitas di sini lumayan lengkap untuk para pengunjung seperti kamar  mandi, tempat parkir baik untuk motor dan mobil dan lain lagi.

Di sekitar pantai ini banyak terdapat tanaman pandan yang dimanfaatkan penduduk untuk membuat kerajinan berupa tikar dari serat tanaman pandan. Jadi di pantai ini juga merupakan central kerajinan tikar pandan, untuk itu jangan lupa untuk membawa salah satu kerajinan yang terkenal di pantai kukup ini yaitu tikar pandan.

Pantai di Gunungkidul sebenarnya adalah pantai yang berderet dari sebelah barat ke timur yang berakhir di Pantai Sadeng yang merupakan pantai terluar gunungkidul. Sehingga telusurilah pantai-pantai ini yang akan membuat anda lebih mengetahui tentang bagaimana gunungkidul sendiri.

Berikut ini beberapa foto dari kami :

Pantai Kukup Tepus Gunungkidul Kaya Biota Laut Pinggir Pantai

Pantai Kukup Tepus Gunungkidul Kaya Biota Laut Pinggir Pantai

Pantai Kukup Tepus Gunungkidul Kaya Biota Laut Pinggir Pantai

Pantai Kukup Tepus Gunungkidul Kaya Biota Laut Pinggir Pantai

Pantai Kukup Tepus Gunungkidul Kaya Biota Laut Pinggir Pantai

Pantai Kukup Tepus Gunungkidul Kaya Biota Laut Pinggir Pantai

Cerita menarik :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tanah Lot Bali Wisata Indah Nan Eksotis

Tanah Lot Bali Menjadi Obyek Wisata Rohani Yang Sangat Eksotis dan Menarik

Portal Newer - Tanah Lot adalah sebuah obyek wisata Bali berupa pura yang terdapat disebuah batu besar, pura ini dipercaya para penduduk Bali sebagai pura pemujaan dewa-dewa penjaga laut.
Tanah Lot berada di Desa Beraban, Kecamatan Kediri, Kabupaten Tabanan. Jarak tempuh darat yaitu sekitar 13 KM ke arah barat dari Tabanan Bali.

Tempat ini sering digunakan oleh para wisatawan untuk melihat sunset pada sore hari dan pada sore hari sampai malam tempat ini sangat ramai oleh pengunjung.

Pura yang terdapat di tempat ini juga digunakan sebagai upacara hari raya umat Hindu yaitu yang diperingati 210 sekali dan jatuhnya pun juga dekat dengan perayaan Galungan dan Kuningan yaitu pada Hari Suci Cemeng Langkir.

Pura Tanah Lot ini merupakan bagian dari pura Dang Kahyangan.

Tanah Lot Bali Menjadi Obyek Wisata Rohani Yang Sangat Eksotis dan Menarik

Pura ditempat ini merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata rohani yang kita bisa menghargai akan adanya keberagaman agama dan kita juga bisa melihat kerukunan antar umat agama disini.

Kita boleh datang dan menyaksikan tempat ini tapi jangan sampai kita mengotori dan membuat suasana tempat suci umat Hindu ini menjadi tidak seperti yang mereka harapkan.
Maka dari itu sudah sepatutnya kita saling menghargai keberagaman ini.

Tanah Lot Bali Menjadi Obyek Wisata Rohani Yang Sangat Eksotis dan Menarik

Tanah Lot Bali Menjadi Obyek Wisata Rohani Yang Sangat Eksotis dan Menarik

Tanah Lot Bali Menjadi Obyek Wisata Rohani Yang Sangat Eksotis dan Menarik

Tanah Lot Bali Menjadi Obyek Wisata Rohani Yang Sangat Eksotis dan Menarik

Tanah Lot Bali Menjadi Obyek Wisata Rohani Yang Sangat Eksotis dan Menarik

Tanah Lot Bali Menjadi Obyek Wisata Rohani Yang Sangat Eksotis dan Menarik

source : wikipedia

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Menjadi Obyek Wisata Edukasi

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Bali Adalah Wisata Budaya Yang Menawan

Portal Newer - Taman Budaya Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) adalah sebuah taman wisata budaya yang terdapat di Kecamatan Tanjung Nusa Dua, Kabupaten Badung, 40 KM dari selatan Ibu Kota Bali yaitu Denpasar.

Sebuah proyek yang cukup besar ini nantinya akan dijadikan maskot Bali yaitu dengan mendirikan patung Dewa Wisnu yang sedang menunggang tungganganya burung Garuda dengan tinggi 12 meter.

Area Taman ini berada di ketinggian 146 meter dari permukaan tanah dan 263 meter dari permukaan laut yang tentunya sangat indah, eksotis dan menarik bagi wisatawan. Tempat ini terbagi menjadi 6 tempat utama yaitu :

  1. Wisnu Plaza yaitu sebuah tempat yang nantinya akan dijadikan tempat utama peletakan patung Dewa Wisnu.
  2. Street Theater adalah sebuah tempat yang dijadikan sebagai tempat untuk menyelenggarakan perayaan-perayaan dan upacara nantinya. Tempat ini juga sebagai tempat untuk membeli souvenir khas bali.
  3. Lotus Pond merupakan arean outdoor terbesar yang ada di GWK. Tempat ini di desain mampu untuk menampung kurang lebih 7000 orang.
  4. Indraloka Garden merupakan tempat favorit bagi para pengujung nantinya karena tempat ini adalah pusatnya utnuk melakukan hajatan-hajatan kecil seperti pernikahan dan rapat.
  5. Amphitheatre adalah tempat diluar ruangan yang khusus untuk pertunjukan akustik bahkan nantinya disini akan dijadikan pusat budaya dari berbagai daerah. Tempat ini juga nantinya akan menunjukan aksi dari tari asli Bali yaitu tari Kecak secara gratis.
  6. Tirta Agung merupakan tempat yang sempurna bagi yang ingin mengadakan hajatan ataupun upacara menengah dan juga tempat ini merupakan ikon dari GWK karena tempat ini dekat dengan patung Dewa Wisnu.

Walaupun tempat ini belum jadi sepenuhnya tapi tempat ini sudah ramai dan sangat terkenal di Bali. Sudah sepantasnya kita patut berbangga dengan wisata yang ada di Indonesia dan patut kita untuk menjaga keberagaman ini.

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Bali Adalah Wisata Budaya Yang Menawan

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Bali Adalah Wisata Budaya Yang Menawan

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Bali Adalah Wisata Budaya Yang Menawan

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Bali Adalah Wisata Budaya Yang Menawan

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Bali Adalah Wisata Budaya Yang Menawan

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Bali Adalah Wisata Budaya Yang Menawan

Garuda Wisnu Kencana Bali Adalah Wisata Budaya Yang Menawan

source : wikipedia

Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia

Kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia Oleh New7Wonders

Portal NewerTaman Nasional Komodo terletak di antara provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dan Nusa Tenggara Barat Indonesia. Taman Nasional ini terdiri dari tiga pulau utama yaitu Pulau Komodo, Pulau Rinca dan Pulau Padar.
Luas wilayah taman ini mencapai 603 km² dan dengan total luas wilayah  1817 km². Tempat ini menjadi konservasi bagi hewan-hewan langka dan dilindungi. Di taman ini terdapat 277 spesies hewan yang terdiri dari 32 spesies mamalia128 spesies burung dan 37 spesies reptilia.
Di taman ini juga memiliki wilayah laut yang dilindungi karena memiliki karang-karang yang langka. Terdapat kurang lebih 253 spesies karang dengan lebih dari 1000 spesies ikandidalamnya yang membuat taman ini lengkap akan kehidupan atas dan bawah lautnya.
Tempat ini merupakan salah tempat yang memiliki potensi vulkanis dengan lebih dari 4000 jiwa di dalamnya. Tempat ini dinobatkan sebagai salah satu Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO pada tahun 1991 di kawasan Asia Pasifik. Taman Nasional ini juga di nobatkan menjadi 7 keajaiban dunia oleh New7Wonders.
Potensi Flora dan Fauna Taman Nasional ini tidak dapat diragukan lagi. Taman Nasional ini terdapat di zona transisi yaitu antara flora dan fauna Asia dan Australia. Perairan di sini juga dipengaruhi oleh dampak El-Nino dan yang berakibat pada peningkatan suhu air laut dan sekitarnya.
Taman Nasional ini terdapat beberapa vegetasi yaitu berupa padang rumput dan hutan savana. Kawasan ini merupakan Hutan Tropis Musim (dibawah 500 m dpl). Potensi Fauna disini juga sangat beragam yaitu yang jelas yang utama adalah Komodo sebagai ikon taman ini.

Taman Nasional ini juga terdapat mamalia, burung dengan 111 jenis burung dan juga terdapat reptil dengan 34 jenis reptil. Sungguh kehidupan yang sangat beragam dalam sebuah kawasan yang indah dan luar biasa ini. Tidak salah jika Taman Nasioanl ini masuk dalam New7Wonders.

Kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia Oleh New7Wonders

Kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia Oleh New7Wonders

Kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia Oleh New7Wonders

Kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia Oleh New7Wonders

Kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia Oleh New7Wonders

Kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia Oleh New7Wonders

Kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia Oleh New7Wonders

Kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia Oleh New7Wonders

Kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia Oleh New7Wonders

Kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia Oleh New7Wonders

source : wikipedia

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Benefit Of Mangosteen Fruit For Your Health

Benefit Of Mangosteen Fruit For Your Health

Say Healthy Care – Mangosteen fruit have Latin Name Garciana mangostana which the tree of this fruit is enduring green tree that be live at tropics. This fruit is very useful for your health. This fruit color is purplish red and with thick skin and with white fruit flesh.

Mangosteen fruit have so many benefit for your health, not only the fruit but the skin of mangosteen also so useful. Now, I will tell you about benefit of the mangosteen fruit.

  • Decrease Fat – Xanthone compound in this fruit able to prevent you from heart attack and diabetes. This compound also dissolve the cell that be ossify.
  • Make Blotting Out the Painful – Juice of this fruit very helpful for your health that is blotting out your painful.
  • Prevent You from Kidney Stone – If you frequently consuming this fruit 300 gram every day it will help you from kidney stones.
  • Avoid From Free Radical – Compound on this fruit also able to avoid your body from free radical that will bringing cell mutation or cancer.
  • Protect Your Brain – this fruit have a compound that able to protect your brain for always healthy and protected from Alzheimer and Parkinson.
  • Avoid From Cancer – Xamthone compound in this fruit help you to make slow the process of cancer cells to grow in the large intestine and liver.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Benefit Of Coconuts For Your Health

Benefit Of Coconuts For Your Health

Say Healthy Care – coconuts is one of a lot of fruit that every day we can meet this especially for ingredients of food. This fruit also have a benefit for your health. In this article will be research about coconuts. Now let begin what you can meet in this article.
  • Increase Your Heart Health – Coconuts have saturated fat in the coconuts oil that can reduce the potential of fat accumulation in the artery of your heart. So with this fruit we can help our health to more good again.
  • Make Your Hair More Healthy – wetting your hair with frequently at night before you sleep with coconuts oil and washing or rinsing after you wake up will be able to increase your hair health and keep your scalp.
  • Increase Your Immune System - With consumption the coconuts will be increase your immune system or immune. With this condition your body will strong to defend from the illness. Why? Because this condition be said to be antivirus and antibacterial.
  • Keep Your Digestive System – In this fruit also have fibrous parts if fruit. This fruit have high enough fibrous that so good for your digestive. So if you have indigestion and constipation possibly this fruit will be helps you to solve your problem.
  • Keep Your Teeth Health – Coconuts also have calcium and magnesium, that your body want it and also able to keep the strong and health of your teeth.
  • Make the Young – Oil from coconuts have a function that is antioxidant that will make slow the aging process with keep your body from any free radical.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Benefit Of Calcium For Your Health

Say Healthy Care – Calcium is mineral micro that is mineral which so useful for your body more than 100mg every day. The function of calcium is help human bond and teeth to grow. If your body caught sort of calcium you will have annoyed for your growth.
At this time calcium so easy to find it because many supplement that is calcium supplement, but whether it is good for you? Natural Calcium can be found pass through food material, for example milk and fruit. Milk and fruit are two of a lot of food material which has a lot of calcium. Fruit have calcium but so little approximately 1 until 9 percent.
What is benefit of Calciumfor your health. That is normally your blood pressure, relax your muscle, keep your body liquid balance, prevent osteoporosis, go down intestines cancer risk, activate your neural, coping with complaint at menopause and menstruations, coping with dry and cracked of your skin foot and skin hand, recover your sex enthusiasm, prevent you from teeth bleeding, smoothen your blood circulation, prevent you from heart attack, activate your pancreas and prevent you from backache.
Calcium can be found in some fruit and food, so check below and you will know where you can find this item.
  • Banana – Banana is fruit that so easy to find it. This fruit is no familiar with seasonal, so find it now.
  • Quinoa – Plants serealea which during this time became staple food for them in Andes Rock, South American. In this fruit so good for your health because contains carbohydrate and protein so high, 1 cup of this fruit have approximately 60 – 100 mg calcium.
  • Almond – In this food also have high calcium that is donate 70 – 80 for your body. Another food material is broccoli. In this food have calcium approximately 180 gram, and then kale, in this food have 90 gram of calcium.
  • Sardines – This food is original from the sea so the calcium of this food is so high. This food able to fill 33 percent of your body requirement. Oatmeal also give requirement for your body that is 110 gram.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Benefit Of Peanut For Your Health

Benefit Of Peanut For Your Health

Say Healthy Care – Hearing one of various nuts ensuing sure not strange for you. Generally this nuts able to grow everywhere, during have a treatment for this nuts. Do you know this nuts? Yeah, you’re right, peanuts.
Peanuts can be grow everywhere and fertile during you able to pour the water for this nuts, so you will produce a great peanuts and have a lot of nutrient. Below, I will tell you about benefit of this nuts.
  • Go Down Your Weight – In a research, people have a differences between people that frequently consuming peanuts with they are not consuming peanuts. They are frequently consuming peanuts will out of danger weight.
  • Help You To So Comfortable– In this nuts have a compounds that so good for triptofan. In this nuts have essential amino acid which so good to produce your serotin compounds. Why? Serotin Compounds is one of a lot of compounds that will be used brain to comfort your emotions.
  • Prevent You From Heart Attack – You also know about this statement, peanuts is so good for heart and will prevent you from  annoyance that will disturb your heart. Why this happen? In this nuts have antioxidant and unsaturated fats that so good for your heart beat.
  • Prevent Your Embryo -  in a research that a mom consuming peanuts early at pregnant approximately 400 microgram, so she will prevent the embryo experience brain neural defects until 70%. Why peanuts? In this nuts have a lot of folic acid.
  • Increasing Your think – Peanuts is so good for your brain because in this nuts have a lot of B3 Vitamin or niacin content that so good for your brain and your memory.

Benefit Of Orange Fruit For Your Health

Benefit Of Orange Fruit For Your Health

Say Healthy Care – Orange fruit is one of many fruit that so familiar in your ears, but many people don’t know about benefit of this fruit. Orange is not be familiar with seasonally so you can find this fruit wherever you stand now.

In here I will tell you about benefit of orange fruit which you will read a few information that possible you so want for this information.

  • Downgrade Your Cholesterol – don’t be wary about this fruit because this fruit is one of thousands fruit that so good for your healthy. How do sure about this? In this fruit have Hesperidin and Pectindi (Chemical Compounds) that will help you to downgrading your cholesterol.
  • Prevent Your Body From Cancercous – In this fruit have D-Limonene it is a compounds that so good to prevent your body from cancercous for example breast cancer, skin and lungs.
  • Increasing Your Healthy – In this fruit have a lot of C vitamin, with this condition and frequently consuming this fruit you will prevent from a lot of illness. C vitamin also stimulate your body to produce white corpuscle for your stronghold.
  • Help For Blooming Brain – Orange fruit also so good for human brain it is help the brain to blooming because in this fruit have folic acid.
  • Downgrade High Blood Pressure – This fruit also able to downgrade your high blood pressure because in this fruit have hesperidin and magnesium that so good for your health.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How To Wash Out Of Acne In Your Face

How To Wash Out Of Acne In Your Face

Say Healthy Care – Acne is one of some enemy for everyone that until now possible so hard to blotting out from their live. Acne appear with multiple condition for example so long time under the sun, in dusty area, rarely wash the face and eat oily food. This condition able to appearing acne in your face possibly also in your back.

So I will tell you about how to remove your acne and the trace with natural method.
  • With Tomato – Tomato is fruit which has a lot of A and C vitamin. This is will make your trace little by little will disappear. How it work? Slice the tomato (that is already cleaned), put this slice of tomato in your face which has trace, let it until 20 – 30 minutes, and wash your face with water, do this twice for a week.
  • With Lime – This fruit able to clean of your oily face. How it work? Press one or two lime, dab the water of press from lime to your face especially in your trace. Let it until 15 minutes and wash with water. Do this method twice for a week.
  • Egg Whites – This method also very nice for you, this is able to tightening your face skin and also blotting out the acne so good. How it work? Wash up your face and pick one egg and get the egg whites, after this, dab the egg whites to your face, wait until 10 – 15 minutes and then wash your face with water. Do this method twice a week.
  • Aloe Vera Gel – This material also so good for your face skin. This gel able to remove your dead skin cells. How it work? Wash your face, and choose the Aloe Vera, and then break it, after this press the Aloe Vera until produce the gel. Dab the gel to your face and let it until 15 minutes, after this, wash your face with water. Do this twice a week.
  • Olive Oil – Beside useful for your hair and scalp, this material also useful for your skin face. Olive Oil able smoothing your face skin. How it work? Before you got bed, bad the olive oil to your face, get a massage, do this until 5 minutes, and wash your face with warm water. Do this method every night.

How To Make Whiten Your Teeth According To Natural

How To Make Whiten Your Teeth According To Natural

Say Healthy Care – The teeth that so white and clean is expectation everyone, but sometimes everyone don’t know what they eat make their teeth became turn yellow and have plaque. Some activity that will make your teeth turn yellow it is that smoking, drink the coffee, drink the supplement, use teeth whitener wrong, and etc.

In this section I will tell you about how to whiten your teeth with natural not with chemist material.
  • Rub Your Teeth With Strawberry – In this fruit have malat acid which able to whiten your teeth. How it works? Use this fruit for rub your teeth.
  • Use Orange Skin – Intrauterine orange skin able to make your teeth whiten natural. How do you do this step? Use orange skin that is inside subdivision, use this skin to rub your teeth.
  • Use crispy fruit – Crispy fruit also able to make your teeth whiten natural. You can use apple and pear.
  • Rub Your Teeth With Laurel Leaves and Lemon – This material also able to make your teeth whiten. How it work? Pick some leaves and lemon skin and then mix together and make it to rub your teeth.
  • Use Charcoal – Once upon a time this method is very popular because this method can make your teeth whiten natural. For your save, smooth the charcoal and then make it to rub your teeth.
  • Use Siwak – Siwak is a sort of wood but you can make this wood to rub your teeth.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Benefit Of Durian Fruit For Your Healthy

Benefit Of Durian Fruit For Your Healthy

Say Healthy Care – Durian fruit is one of a lot of fruit which have many benefit for your healthy. But, not everyone know about this news, so I will tell you about benefit of durian fruit for your healthy.

Though this fruit only born fruit at the special time but this fruit always await from everyone. So in this article will research about benefit of the durian fruit.

  • Weather the Storm of Sleep – This fruit possible will your solution if you have insomnia. Cause in this fruit have esensial amino acid and tryptophan that will stimulate your metabolism so you feel sleepy.
  • Repair Your Neuron System – Complex B vitamin in durian fruit so useful to repair your neuron system.
  • Reduce effect from Nicotine – In this fruit have B6 and B12 vitamin, magnesium, potassium, will help you to reduce some effect from nicotine syndrome. It is so come true for you that wish stop smoking.
  • Prevent From Anemia – In this fruit contains manganese mineral, zat-iron, magnesium, and copper. So many contains in this fruit and so good for your healthy because this contains is not chemistry but so natural and didn’t have poison. This material will produce and shaping corpuscle.
  • Prevent From Cancer – In this fruit have a fibrous that will keep the large intestine from annoyance. So you will out of danger from large intestine cancer.
  • Natural Instant Energy – This fruit have natural sugar that will give your body strong energy instant.
  • Control Your Heart Beat – Potassium in this fruit able to keep your heart beat and blood pressure, so you will enjoy with this fruit.

So useful fruit, will try to it? 

Benefit of Dragon Fruit For Your Healthy

Benefit of Dragon Fruit For Your Healthy

Say Healthy Care – Dragon Fruit is one of a lot of fruit that so useful for your body. This fruit categorized in cactus family, but this fruit is not similar with cactus generally because the taste of this fruit is so tasty, so nice.
This plant have a lot of cultivation because if this fruit sold have a great cost for one kilogram fruit. In this article will research about benefit of dragon fruit for your healthy.
  • Keep Your Healthy From Diabetic – This fruit believed able to kill danger cell in our body from all of food that we eat. This fruit also help you to cope with diabetic, so you can out of danger diabetic.
  • Out of Danger Cancercous– This fruit is a great fruit because the nutrition in the fruit able to keep you from cancercous . So great fruit for your healthy.
  • Keep You From Aging – This fruit able to preventive you from poison, so you will look as teenager again. This fruit also have nutrition similar with apple.
  • Reduce Cholesterol – B3 vitamine in this fruit able to prevent you from accumulate danger grease in your tube so the cholesterol will go down. So this fruit will keep your blood circulation.
  • Increase Your Bond Healthy – In this fruit have a lot of calcium and phosphorus. In this fact, if you consumption this is daily will help you to keep your bond strength. Calcium and Phosphorus are two important component to build human skeleton.
  • Keep Your Invulnerability – This fruit have a lot of C vitamine for your Invulnerability and you will keep you from annoyance.